5 minutes avec… Venetia Hadley
Venetia is one of our senior compositors; she spends her time combining a myriad of images from a variety of sources to produce a final shot for film.
Venetia is one of our senior compositors; she spends her time combining a myriad of images from a variety of sources to produce a final shot for film.
Cinesite a réalisé plus de 200 effets visuels pour le film Orgueil et Préjugés et Zombies, le mash-up cinématographique réalisé par Burr Steers sur la base du célèbre classique de la littérature écrit par Jane Austin.
Cinesite VFX studios in London and Montreal completed effects in shots comprising some of the major sequences in‘The Revenant’, a dramatic story about survival and revenge directed by Alejandro Iñárritu.
Nicolas Chevalier began his career in visual effects in 2001 at Buf Compagnie, he worked on many films such as BATMAN BEGINS, SILENT HILL or THOR.