My working from home life: Katherine Winter, Talent Manager
We have worked really hard to create an onboarding process that will help people settle in during this time.
We have worked really hard to create an onboarding process that will help people settle in during this time.
We’ll come out of this experience stronger and having learned a lot.
Although this is a global issue it also means that we are all in this journey together.
Parlez-nous de votre parcours. J’ai commencé par des études asiatiques et japonaises, ensuite j’ai brièvement été maquilleuse avant de devenir assistante de production dans un studio d’animation. Cela me convenait parfaitement et ce qui devait être à l’origine un emploi d’été est devenu un rôle permanent aux ressources humaines ainsi qu’une expérience de 16 ans […]