Visualisation is all about bringing the pages of a script to life, enabling clients to tell their stories and realise their visions from the earliest days of development to the final hours of delivery, as quickly as possible.
To facilitate this, our visualisation (VIS) team uses focused and efficient approaches to save time and resources, enabling informed creative decisions for effective visual storytelling.
Our experts can be deployed offsite at studios and locations to work directly with clients and can also help bring together various teams on a production, including camera, stunts and the art department.
If you have a project you would like to discuss with us, please get in touch at
The preliminary planning stage before filming. We create rough, low-detail scenes using digital tools including 3D animation, storyboards or animatics. A vital process, pre-vis helps filmmakers conceptualise creative approaches and ideas, plan camera moves, block scenes and refine the visual storytelling of a sequence.
Tech Vis
After previsualisation, technical visualisation, with images, plans and animation, can help resolve a variety of data questions, informing things like focal length, camera height and speed. It can also be used for more technical shoots, to help drive motion control rigs for example.
Pitch Vis
Helping clients to quickly visualise a concept where they need to pitch ideas and approaches. This can be achieved either with a full VFX team and pipeline, or costs can be minimised with smaller, speedy teams.
Post Vis
Often teams creating the final pixel VFX delivery do not have the capacity or are unable to refocus their attention on creating quick screening temps. Post vis can be a useful tool to “colour in a sequence” using the normal VFX steps, but with a lightweight approach.
Virtual Production
Working with Unreal Engine gives filmmakers the ability to interact with their films using a multitude of tools built with the game engine. This approach can be used to explore how to film environments being built with the Virtual Art Department, to explore camera angles or ideas for hand animated content or captured with real actors.
Performance Capture
Pioneering capture specialists Imaginarium Studios are part of the global Cinesite group. As our partner company, we collaborate closely, utilising their facilities to facilitate projects with real actor and stunt performances and embedding them seamlessly into Unreal Engine environments.

Richard Clarke, Head of Visualisation & VFX Supervisor:
“What we do is so important to the creative film-making process, enabling filmmakers to quickly build their edits with shots that are considerably closer to the final look that will be delivered by the VFX team many months down the line.”

Eduardo Schmidek, Visualisation & Realtime Supervisor:
“Realtime visualisation can be a powerful film-making tool. Using it before filming can help plan and inform every part of the film-making process. We are experts in providing that support.”