Press Release: Cinesite Has Two Films Up For Visual Effects Oscar Category
Today it was announced that Skyfall and John Carter have been shortlisted to compete for the Oscar in visual effects at the 85th Academy Awards: Cinesite contributed visual effects to both films. Congratulations and well done to everyone at Cinesite and the production team, for producing two very different and deserving films.
Antony Hunt, managing director of Cinesite, said, “This is brilliant news! I am very proud of our team here at Cinesite, in particular Sue Rowe and Jon Neill our visual effects supervisors for the two films, for their extraordinary efforts.”
All members of the visual effects branch will be invited to the « bake-off » on January 3rd 2013 to view 10-minute excerpts from each of the shortlisted films. Following the screenings, the members will vote to nominate five films for final Oscar consideration.
Skyfall’s inclusion is notable since the Bond film franchise has made only two previous appearances in the VFX category, winning only once, for 1965’s Thunderball, and being nominated for 1979’s Moonraker.
Cinesite was awarded four sequences in Skyfall that showcase its award-winning environment and CG creature techniques – the creation of the first ever CG creature to feature in a Bond film, a CG Komodo dragon, and three sequences on the London Underground consisting of digital environments and set extensions. Cinesite’s visual effects supervisor Jon Neill led the work and spent time on set at Pinewood Studios and on location at Charing Cross Underground station to oversee the shoots and ensure Cinesite’s digital visual effects complemented the physical effects and stunts.
Senior visual effects supervisor Sue Rowe headed up Cinesite’s efforts for Disney’s John Carter, working closely with Director Andrew Stanton for over two and half years, spending several months on set in the UK and Utah.
Cinesite worked on over 800 visual effects shots and converted over 87 minutes into 3D. Cinesite created the majority of the film’s environments, including the opposing cities of Zodanga and Helium, and the Thern Sanctuary, as well as a big air battle and full-screen CG digi-doubles of John Carter and Princess Dejah. The environments were populated with CG crowds and hundreds of CG props.
The 85th Academy awards will take place on February 24th 2013