The origin story of Captain Nemo and his legendary submarine, the Nautilus, launched on Prime Video in the US, UK and Ireland in October 2024.
The year is 1857 and an Indian Prince robbed of his birthright sets out on a mission of revenge, at the helm of the prototype submarine Nautilus. Created by James Dormer and directed by Michael Matthews, Nautilus stars Shazad Latif as Captain Nemo, Georgia Flood as Humility Lucas and Thierry Frémont as Gustave Benoit.
Cinesite created 200 visual effects shots for this 10-episode series, overseen by VFX supervisors Zave Jackson and Rebecca Manning. In one sequence set in a mysterious underwater kelp forest which the crew of the Nautilus are exploring, the action was filmed against blue screen. Deep compositing techniques were used to integrate the bubbles, divers and silt they kick up from the ocean bed. All in the midst of a thick, undulating forest of Giant Kelp, which was meticulously researched and procedurally animated by our CFX team.
Another spectacular sequence contributed by Cinesite’s VFX team comes in the series’ final episode, where Cinesite delivered almost entirely computer generated shots set on the Thames, with extensive vehicles, effects and extended environments.